Recommendations for Addressing Contemporary Antisemitism
based on Sample Mapping in three Cities in Serbia, Croatia and Romania

By involving partners from Serbia, Croatia, and Romania in three European Capitals of Culture: Novi Sad, Rijeka, and Timișoara, the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory from Belgrade and Terraforming from Novi Sad initiated the project UP2US.

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UP2US aims to develop and test-run target-group-specific methodologies for mapping the understanding of contemporary antisemitism and capacities to identify it, and to design and promote fact-based practical guidelines and strategic recommendations for national and regional policy and decision-makers on addressing antisemitism in line with the EU strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

The sample mapping will be conducted among selected societal groups and professionals essential for shaping public understanding, attitudes, opinions, and awareness of antisemitism and/or groups responsible for various measures, policies, and activities to address antisemitism:
1. Professional media
2. University
3. Secondary schools
4. Police
5. City Authorities
6. Cultural producers
7. Social media content creators and influencers
8. Local Jewish Communities

Project partners will use well-established international best practices of opinion research on antisemitism to develop specific mapping models considering local social, cultural, and historical particularities. Mapping results will be discussed at an international conference, "UP2US - Preventing and Addressing Contemporary Antisemitism".

The findings, conclusion synthesis, and mapping analysis will be presented in the publication "UP2US - Novi Sad - Rijeka - Timișoara: Practical Guidelines and Strategic Recommendations for Policy and Decision-makers on Addressing Antisemitism," promoted and disseminated through outreach events: exhibitions and public debates in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Timișoara, Zagreb, and Rijeka.

The short-term project goal is to get an overview of the situation, assess the needs, and suggest further steps on preventing and countering antisemitism in the specific local, national, and regional context. This unique insight into regional challenges will contribute to a better understanding of the links between local, regional, and contemporary antisemitism on the European level. The long-term project goal is to raise awareness of antisemitism as a threat to democracy that concerns us all. In this way, the project UP2US aims to initiate a dialogue about national strategies for combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

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