CeMAS & Landecker re|con project

An early warning system against the spread of conspiracy thinking, antisemitism, disinformation and right-wing extremism

For a better world,

we need a better internet

For a better world,

we need a better internet


Digitally scattered hate, antisemitism, conspiracy ideologies and disinformation do not remain in the virtual world. They have real life consequences.

CeMAS and the "Landecker re|con project" make anti-democratic trends and developments easier to identify at an early stage, analyze them and derive counter-strategies and recommendations for action for civil society, politicians and security authorities.

In collaboration with CeMAS (Center for Monitoring, Analysis and Strategy) Expand Expand Collapse Collapse

The non-profit Center for Monitoring, Analysis and Strategy (CeMAS) pools interdisciplinary expertise on topics such as conspiracy ideologies, antisemitism, and right-wing extremism. Through systematic online monitoring and modern study designs, CeMAS analyses current developments in order to derive innovative strategies.
Visit CeMAS

Project updates

CeMAS Report: Durch die Krise ins Reich: Postpandemische Entwicklungen von Reichsbürgern und Souveränisten in Deutschland

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Disinformation and antisemitism in the context of Hamas' terror attack on Israel

Disinformation and antisemitism in the context of Hamas' terror attack on Israel: An interview with CeMAS Co-CEO Josef Holnburger

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CeMAS Report: Where’s the Money at? Rechtsextreme Spendenfinanzierung über Telegram

CeMAS Report: Where’s the Money at? Rechtsextreme Spendenfinanzierung über Telegram

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CeMAS receives continuation funding

Press Release

CeMAS receives continuation funding

CeMAS receives substantial continuation funding from the Alfred Landecker Foundation

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CeMAS Report: Chronology of a radicalisation

CeMAS Report: Chronology of a radicalisation

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Between Nazi Comparisons and Conspiracy Theories: A Relativisation of History During the Corona Pandemic

A Relativisation of History During the Corona Pandemic. By Pia Lamberty and Steffen Jost

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The new CeMAS study

Press Release

The new CeMAS study

CeMAS study:
Q vadis? The spread of QAnon in the German-speaking world

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Belief in Conspiracies

Belief in Conspiracies by Pia Lamberty

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CeMAS & Landecker re|con project

Introducing CeMAS & Landecker re|con project: an early warning system to detect conspiracy ideologies, antisemitism, disinformation and right-wing extremism.

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Explore what we do

Remember the Holocaust

Fight antisemitism

Strengthen democracy