
Justice against hate and hate speech on the internet.

Defending democratic

discourse on the net

against discrimination and hate

Defending democratic

discourse on the net

against discrimination and hate


The Marie-Munk-Initiative of the Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF) advocates for the establishment of new legal principles. Certain accounts are to be prevented from disseminating content that is punishable under criminal law.

The aim is to guarantee safety on the Internet for those affected by hate and harassment, without any obligation for a real name or extended data storage becoming necessary.

The Alfred Landecker Foundation supports the Marie-Munk-Initiative in its efforts to expand regulation in the area of digital violence protection and to establish a more fundamental rights-sensitive approach to combating hate crime online.

In collaboration with the Marie-Munk-Initiative Expand Expand Collapse Collapse

In the fight against digital violence, the Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte e.V., GFF (Society for Civil Liberties) has launched the Marie-Munk-Initiative. In order to stop digital hate and violence more quickly, a new legal basis for blocking verbally violent content on the net is created without identifying the people behind the accounts.
Visit the Marie-Munk-Initiative

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Introducing the Marie-Munk-Initiative

Introducing the Marie-Munk-Initiative: defending democratic discourse on the net against discrimination and hate.

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Confront the past

Combat antisemitism

Protect minorities

Strengthen democracy

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