Zeitenwende on tour

Townhall discussions on the challenges of our time

Strengthening democracy


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How do people in Germany experience the epochal shifts triggered by global crises and conflicts? What influence do disinformation, increasing antisemitism and racism have on their lives?

In the Germany-wide Zeitenwende on tour townhall discussions, local citizens have their say and discuss these issues with guests from the worlds of politics and academia. In addition to Germany’s security and EU policy as well as how to deal with global crises, the focus also lies on questions about the polarisation of German society.

Find out more about Zeitenwende on tour

In collaboration with The Munich Security Conference (MSC) Expand Expand Collapse Collapse

The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is the world’s leading forum for debates on international security policy. It provides a platform for diplomatic initiatives and approaches to address the world's most pressing security risks. The MSC aims to promote trust and contributes to the peaceful resolution of conflicts by providing a forum for long-term, curated yet informal dialogue among the international security community.
About the Munich Security Conference

Project updates

Zeitenwende on tour: Townhall discussions on the challenges of our time

Zeitenwende on tour: Townhall discussions on the challenges of our time

Learn more

Explore what we do

Confront the past

Combat antisemitism

Protect minorities

Strengthen democracy

Reinforce critical thinking