Cooperation with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Research and teaching on issues of individual and collective human rights

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Human rights are the

basis of democracy

Human rights are the

basis of democracy


The protection of individual and collective human rights and the protection of minorities are among the greatest challenges of this time.

The collaboration with the Hebrew University is one of the Alfred Landecker Foundation's first major projects as part of its commitment to create an international academic network that addresses the protection of democratic values, pluralism, and ethnic, religious and cultural minorities in an era of nationalism and rising authoritarianism.

In collaboration with Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Expand Expand Collapse Collapse

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, founded in 1918 and opened officially in 1925, is Israel’s premier university as well as its leading research institution. The Hebrew University is ranked internationally among the 100 leading universities in the world.
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Project updates

We cannot afford to be isolated. By Barak Medina

We cannot afford to be isolated. By Barak Medina

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Israel’s Constitutional Crisis

Israel’s Constitutional Crisis. By Barak Medina

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Cooperation with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Introducing the Cooperation with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: promoting long-term research and teaching individual and collective human rights.

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$13 million to Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Press Release

$13 million to Hebrew University of Jerusalem

13 million dollars for the promotion of scientific initiatives: grant enables the establishment of three new academic institutions.

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Explore what we do

Confront the past

Combat antisemitism

Protect minorities

Strengthen democracy

Reinforce critical thinking