Decoding Antisemitism

Combating digital antisemitism with Artificial Intelligence

For Antisemites


is not just a drink

For Antisemites


is not just a drink


Antisemitism on the internet is more diverse than overt insults or threats.

Studies have shown that the majority of antisemitic defamation is expressed in hidden ways.In order to recognize and combat this type of indirect hatred more quickly, an international, interdisciplinary team of researchers will develop a highly complex program supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI) as part of the "Decoding Antisemitism" project.

In collaboration with The Centre for Research on Antisemitism at the Technical University of Berlin Expand Expand Collapse Collapse

The Center for Research on Antisemitism at the Technical University, Berlin is a research center dedicated to researching and combating antisemitism. It was founded in 1982.
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In collaboration with King's College London Expand Expand Collapse Collapse

Founded in 1992, the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London is an interdisciplinary center for teaching and research. There, computer linguists decode hatred, exclusion, and inequality via technological means.
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Project updates

Decoding Antisemitism

An introduction to Decoding Antisemitism: Combating online hate and imagery with artificial intelligence

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