Landecker Democracy Fellowship
Building safe democratic spaces and strengthening communities

We cannot take our open societies for granted. There are threats to democracy everywhere and we must tackle them head on.

The Alfred Landecker Foundation exclusively funds Humanity in Action’s Landecker Democracy Fellowship project.

COVID-19 has amplified structural problems and inequalities that have long existed in Europe and the United States. There is no doubt that the global pandemic has scaled the disparities to a level that is alarming for democratic societies.

At the same time, we are witnessing the abominable effects of antisemitism, racial discrimination and the continuous suppression of minority rights. They all underlie the need for civil society to act—certainly not only in the United States, but also in Europe. The attacks on Black, Indigenous and People of Color, only to mention a few, illustrate that living free from fear and discrimination remains a hollow promise for many.

This is why we, together with Humanity in Action, have decided to establish a part-time program for young professionals who want to shape the future.

We cannot stand by and take democracy and the rights it affords us for granted.

"Racism is the real pandemic": Demonstrators protest in London for racial equality

Strengthening Communities

The ultimate aim of this program is to create initiatives that strengthen democratic values and communities, and protect the liberties and values that we hold dear.

The Landecker Democracy Fellowship will bring together 30 rising activists, community leaders and young professionals from the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States. They will be tasked with finding innovative solutions to disruptions and challenges to democracy and society.

Meet our Landecker Democracy Fellows.


Explore what we do

Confront the past

Combat antisemitism

Protect minorities

Strengthen democracy

Reinforce critical thinking

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