Heartbeat 2
Heartbeat 2

Support for Israelis and Palestinians

The Alfred Landecker Foundation
provides emergency aid
to Israeli victims of Hamas' terror

and Palestinian civilians

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The Foundation

We firmly believe that all people have the right to live without fear, without persecution and without suffering.

We remember the Holocaust.
We fight group-based hatred with a focus on anti-Semitism.
We defend democracy.

In order to fulfil the mission of the foundation, our committees, as well as the team, work together with our project partners to shape a humane, democratic future.

Explore what we do

Confront the past

Combat antisemitism

Protect minorities

Strengthen democracy

Reinforce critical thinking

Remembering the Holocaust. Fighting group-based hatred. Defending democracy. Remembering the Holocaust. Fighting group-based hatred. Defending democracy. Remembering the Holocaust. Fighting group-based hatred. Defending democracy. Remembering the Holocaust. Fighting group-based hatred. Defending democracy.

Introducing European Network on Monitoring Antisemitism (ENMA): Documenting and combating anti-Semitism in Europe

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Landecker Digital Memory Lab

Introducing the Landecker Digital Memory Lab: Connective Holocaust Commemoration

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Hatred against women in politics: Insults online acceptable to every third person

Press Release

Hatred against women in politics: Insults online acceptable to every third person

Together with HateAid, we are launching the "Close the Gap" project

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Introducing Intellectual Journeys: Fostering intellectual leaders at the Van Leer Institute

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Workshop report: Remember. The children of Bullenhuser Damm

Workshop report: Remember. The children of Bullenhuser Damm

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#LastSeen: Deportation photos from a Jewish perspective

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Remembering the Holocaust. Fighting group-based hatred. Defending democracy. Remembering the Holocaust. Fighting group-based hatred. Defending democracy. Remembering the Holocaust. Fighting group-based hatred. Defending democracy. Remembering the Holocaust. Fighting group-based hatred. Defending democracy.

European Network on Monitoring Antisemitism

European Network on Monitoring Antisemitism

Documentation of antisemitic incidents

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Landecker Digital Memory Lab

Landecker Digital Memory Lab

Exploring how Holocaust museums, memorials and archives can make better use of digital technologies.

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Close the Gap - Securing Women's Voices in Politics.

Close the Gap - Securing Women's Voices in Politics.

Herausforderungen digitaler Gewalt gegen politisch aktive Frauen entgegenwirken.

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Partnership with the University of Cologne

Partnership with the University of Cologne

Interdisciplinary cooperation between history and international law

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"Mach Meldung!" Powerful voices for the police

"Mach Meldung!" Powerful voices for the police

Protection for police officers who uncover violations of the law and misconduct in their department.

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Auditing Algorithms for Systemic Risks

Auditing Algorithms for Systemic Risks

Evaluation and analysis of algorithms and their influence on our society.

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