Landecker Digital Memory Lab

Connective Holocaust Commemoration

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digital Holocaust memory




digital Holocaust memory


Exploring how Holocaust museums, memorial sites and archives can make better use of digital technologies to ensure the Holocaust continues to be commemorated long into the future.

Memorial sites, museums, and archives are increasingly working with digital media, yet there's a notable gap in digital literacy, capabilities, and use of synergies. To fill this gap, the Alfred Landecker Foundation is supporting the University of Sussex in the establishment of the Landecker Digital Memory Lab. The new lab will be led by Dr. Victoria Grace Walden and enhance interdisciplinary and inter-sector dialogue about digital Holocaust memory. The Lab’s team will also develop a “living database,” an accumulative collection of projects and experiences in the field, offering Holocaust memory and education institutions valuable insights from historical digital practices. The aim is to inspire not only productive academic thought but also new practical initiatives.

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Landecker Digital Memory Lab

Introducing the Landecker Digital Memory Lab: Connective Holocaust Commemoration

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