Academic Research Grant

Research projects on National Socialism and the Holocaust, on Antisemitism and group hatred, impact and aftermath

Innovative research

opens up new perspectives

Innovative research

opens up new perspectives


The Alfred Landecker Foundation funds a small number of outstanding academic research projects each year.

The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the origins and impact of the Holocaust as well as its aftermath and memory, but also to support projects that explore and address antisemitism, racism and violence in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Project updates

Forced Homes. Antisemitic housing policy in Berlin 1939–1945

Introducing: Forced Homes. Antisemitic housing policy in Berlin 1939–1945

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Introducing the Academic Research Grant

Introducing the Academic Research Grant: funding a small number of outstanding academic research projects each year.

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Explore what we do

Confront the past

Combat antisemitism

Protect minorities

Strengthen democracy

Reinforce critical thinking